Jute Fibre

Concept Explanation

Jute Fibre

Jute: it is a long, soft, shiny, plant fibre obtained from the stems of the jute plant called ‘patsun’. It is also called ‘golden fibre' because it is natural fibre with golden and silky shine. The most useful properties of Jute are its 100% biodegradability, durability and strength. In India, jute is cultivated in West Bengal (India’s producer of jute), Assam and Bihar. It needs a well drained fertile soil like alluvial soil or loamy soil.

Cultivation of Jute:

  • The seeds of jute are sown in March or April. It is a rainy season crop.
  • Jute plant grows 6 to 12 feet in height. It bears yellow flowers. The plants are cut during the flowering stage. This is because good quality jute is obtained from its young stem, otherwise the stem becomes very hard and it is difficult to remove fibres from it.
  • After harvesting, these stems are tied into bundles and put into stagnant water of a pond for a few days so that the skin rots on the stem and is separated out and fibres are obtained. This process is called retting.
  • The fibres so obtained are dried in the sun and tied into small bundles. These bundles are sent to the mills. They are then spun to form fabrics.
  • Uses of Jute fibre:

  • Jute is the second most important fibre after cotton. It is used for making gunny bags or sacks.
  • High quality Jute is woven into curtains, carpets, chair coverings and packing.
  • Shopping bags, table mats, jute beads and jewellery are also made up of jute. Jute bags are also extensively used in packing cereals like wheat, jowar and maize.
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    In which part of India is jute cultivated?

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Jute is generally cultivated during _____________-

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

    Statement (i) : Jute is the outer covering of coconut.

    Statement (ii) : Jute is the cheapest natural fibre.

    Right Option : B
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